Monday, March 21, 2011

SoldOutBmx Diggin' At Josh's Trails

Soldout crew has been busy digging away at the new line at Josh's trails and they are slowly getting there! Going to be a fun set with heaps of boost! Here is a few photo's (off my iphone) of the line & getting the second lip all done. Shit's looking good!

New line off to the left

Other lines

New lip on the right on the hip

Hurry up with the photo, got to cover this bitch up!

2nd of the new line lip getting clayed up

Brendan on the slap

Amiel getting is paws dirty


Finished! Looks fuckin' dope

nice lines

Perfect edges

Can't wait to boost that!

The French Connection shovel. The Compression crew that here riding with us a few months ago are so down with these shovels they even sent a few heads from France to Amiel. Also if you haven't already seen it check there video, they are putting it up online

1st landing

Brendan on the pick


Simmin ticking all the boxes here, King Brown, Soldout Ride trails Shirt, At The Trails


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