Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wristy Business

Wristy Business would be the best name for a handjob porno hands down, As Hammer time Hamilton says 'A Good Updater Never Blames Blogger' I guess I have been pretty lazy, but it is worth the wait!! Trails action from Trentsalviana!! Going for a more chilled theme these days & will be posting lots of pictures that I take of stunting, the good the bad and the so-so. I don't like to set dates but I hope to get a Trails Video so you can all see some moving pictures with sound of the trails and bong hits!
Trav with a big flat over the big girl & same trick & jump & 1 of my favorite pictures

Mikey came down and dropped a slack nac & nearly ran me down clockin' clipsMikey's got mad skills and rode is Beringer bike over the trails, or maybe its just a tailwhip?

Glen boostin'

Ty snapped down's like its nothin'

Trav laying it down while Glen pops up out of his cat-weasel hole

Simmin pancakes the only way he knows how

Trav going down the main line

Simmin X

Mikey put's his hands up for soldoutbmx!

Glen suffers a lazy bog

Glen frying up a pancake while Brendan already ate his

The Bo$$

Amiel came round for a long awaited visit & gave it an XXX

Glen with a turndown...facebook profile pic??

Trav with some invert style while the rest of the crue follows

Mikey gettin' sideways

Trav shows off his soldoutbmx stencil with style

Trav's Trails Rig.. Representing soldoutbmx! hard!!

Burst whippin'

Glen, the big girl and pancakes go together well

Easy-T got wild & Glen took a Emu egg to the frame

Brendan and yet another classic t-down

Amiel textbook

Trains were running all day.. all stations

Brendan t -boggg

Easy T easy bombin'

Simmin bogs while Glen follows

Ty brought the moto style


Glen with a perfect flat & a perfect photo

Ty did some big cans

My home made tattoo & my trick stick attack

It's a hard life

Simmin bogs while Alan get's his ass out

Don't fuck with Minute Man Pizza

My Pumps after a day at the trails...bad idea

Mikey style for miles!!

Another flat by the Burst

Easy T fixing lips

Lips need fixing

Glen stylin out main line while Trav lines up

The Bo$$ does it Easy as T

Brendan moto'd

Smooth berms

Invert by the master

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