Thought I would throw this up, little add for the shirts, I am sorting out Paypal so you can order them online so that should be up soon,Thanks to west-oz for the picture. & I said it before I don't usually put other shit up but this section from Johnny Devlin is fucking bang!
Here is a few photo's from the other week bustin' some stunts at the skankpark, In 1 of the photo's you can see me sporting a kick ass shirt & doing the 'Bong-On' sign. On the weed note, just seen on ESPN that Punjab got busted for growing 100 weed plants. You can read about it here.
Some shit for your ass, new trails getting built around the way...& coming along nicely,Should be stunting and styling them in no time!More photo's to post, but I don't want to put all my egg's in one basket if you know what I mean.
Here is a few pictures of Mikey C rippin' some shit up I stole of his facebook, As I post this I am on west-oz and the same ice picture is on there with some other bustin' ass stunts! Hopefully doing a shoot with a chick for the shirts is week so look out! Shirts are done by the way, PayPal gettin' its ass on the site when I am back in town! Suck It!